WARNING: Be alert to scam and phishing attempts
We have seen an increase in scam attempts recently, mainly through fraudulent calls, emails and WhatsApp or Skype messages from fictitious advisers. Remember: Alphea Conseil will never solicit payment from candidates for its services. If you receive a suspicious communication claiming to be from Alphea Conseil, please check the email address. Alphea Conseil only communicates with the following domain name: @alphea-conseil.fr or @alphea-conseil.com. If you have any doubts about the origin of an e-mail, text message or telephone call, please contact us directly at communication@alphea-conseil.fr.

Bandeau Audit and assessment

Audit and assessment

We assess your organization in order to support you in planning, optimizing and managing your strategy.

We assist you in your strategic analysis through an audit and assessment of your organization.

Our experts assist you in planning, optimizing and managing your strategy (HR, sales, marketing etc.).

We analyze your business’s structure, processes etc.

This enables us to draw up a detailed report on context, stakes, the recruited candidate's profile,
the strategy to be implemented, thereby offering you a tailor-made service.

Some of our experts' recent missions both in France and elsewhere: 

  • Organizational consulting, business expertise in your sector,
  • Implementation of organizational and management processes in businesses,
  • Organization and audit of sales outlets, industrial and production companies,
  • Anticipation, preparation and implementation of the French job protection plan (PSE),
  • Transfers, mergers and acquisitions of businesses,
  • Management and development of your employees,
  • Measure and control gaps in management,
  • Consulting and support day for your sales teams to manage sales performance,
  • Participate in and assist your sales representatives in strategic interviews with your customers 

Our strength lies in our knowledge of your business sector. All Alphéa Conseil managers are expert consultants, each with a professional background of more than 15 years in management positions.